Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Why is it that some people have absolutely no sense of filtering some of what they say.. I mean all of us know that something are simply better left unsaid… But then why why why do some moronic members of our community insist on saying the most inappropriate things that leave you dumbfounded!!

Example 1 :

I walk into a senior colleagues office today while hurrying about with work and our conversation goes something like this :

Me: Hi XYZ do you have a black pen I can borrow for a minute
XYZ: You are black no
Me: I’m sorry what did you say ( I thought I must give him the benefit of doubt)
ME: (absolutely dumbfounded) WELL YOU ARE UGLY!!!!!! –
Is what I should have said but I kept calm and looked at the fool pityingly and said “well I cant really use myself to sign this document now can so give me a pen if you have one!!”

AARRRGHHHHHHH!!!!! Seriously!! Did you see that coming! All for just asking to borrow a pen. Yes I am dark and I am thrilled about it. But its weird to have someone just say that to you out of the blue! I mean even if you thought something like that why say it! Filters I say! Get some Filters!

Example 2:

Family wedding with cousins from near and a far gathered. One of my older cousins is still not hitched and the world around refuses to let her be!

Old Bat 1: ah hello girls you’ll are looking lovely . Congratulations X on getting engaged
Me : Thank you aunty
Old Bat 1 : Ayooooooooo XY1 you are still not married no .. see all your younger cousins are getting married .. What is wrong with u… and u look so sad and thin now..

We all murmur a torrent of abuses under our breadth and say things about us turning lesbian but she is immune to it all and keeps rattling on about how one must get married at a tender age or all the good boys will be missed out on!!
AAAAAARgh. My poor cousin! Why can’t they just leave her alone. What kind of pleasure does one get from stating the obvious and rubbing it in!!!!!!!!!

I’m sure everyone has faced comments like this when people say “MY GOD MEN.. YOU HAVE REALLLLLLLY GOT FAT NO!!! “ - Hello !! did I ask you?? Are you my personal walking weighing scale!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Bitch

Some people truly define the word bitch,, I mean they epitomize what bitchiness is and work towards taking it to a higher level.

I recently bumped into someone who I think was the sole reason the term bitch was coined. Point in case: I barely know this girl. We have met occasionally at communal gatherings and shared a smile and at the most a hello how is it going. So in my head she was just this girl I knew of who hung around some common friends. That was it. We had nothing else in common and nothing else transpired between us.

UNTIL…. a few months ago we were at this common friend’s party and we as usual smiled and nodded at each other. She happened to know the guy I was dating at that point so they got talking and he mentioned that we were seeing each other. She had then given a catty evil laugh asked him if he was drunk when he met me!!!!!! He was shocked and had juts walked away! HELLO!!!!!!!!!! Where did that come from! She doesn’t even know me!! Now why would anyone go make a remark like that… seriously WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was informed of this conversation only much after it happened if not I would have drowned her in her glass of Vodka. Now every time I see her I feel like tripping her or flushing her down the commode!!

OK this is not a hate post! I juts don’t understand why people say things about people they don’t even know!
If you know someone and decide to bitch about them its wrong.. but atleast its based on facts you know about the person and decide you don’t like .... But this!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAARGH!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Time for change...........

For the longest time I felt like my life was in a rut… nothing interesting was happening and it was a same shit different day kind of existence..

Now its all suddenly changed… I ended one of the most intense yet most volatile relationships in my life…………… I am engaged to be married in 4 months ………I will be leaving the country to go live with my husband…..

Lots of change…..quite a heap of it actually.. and right now I’m terrified…
My marriage was via a proposal not the conventional kind of boy meets girl .. They talk for 2 minutes.. they get married.. I met my fiancée through our mutual cousins and we actually went for a series of lunches and dinner which lasted all of 4 days and then our parents intervened..

He is a lovely person… It is no fairytale type romance.. but then there is no reason for me to fear either…. But what worries me is the facet that I’m leaving my fabulous support system here consisting of my family and friends and god knows I have the best ever family and the best best friends…. But come December and I gotta leave them all behind and juts go…Start a new life in a new place.... it will be good and I’m sure I will be happy … .

But I simply cant imagine moving away from what I’ve got so used to.. My friends…….. The silent strength behind who I am… how can I even begin to describe wot I will miss….
our daily coffee/ card / game sessions…
the fact that we know each other so well we can complete each others sentences…
The fact that I’ve never been so comfortable with a bunch of people before…
the fact that no matter wot time ..
no matter what situation all I need to do is pick up the phone and they will be there for me…

I’m sure as life goes on I will meet new people and make new friends… but for the last 8 years I am so thankful to god for giving me the most awesome set of friends ever…and I doubt one can be this lucky all over again in this respect….

I know change is good… but right now… I’m terrified…

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Inspires by the works of other fellow bloggers.. here is my list ..

I remember happier times… when little things brought me much joy

I don't want to be a lot of the person I am today….

I want a life where I can be truly happy and content

I hate racists, liars and people who bitch about you for no reason

I wonder if true happiness ever does exist

I have forgiven but rarely forgotten

I know too much about life to not be jaded and cynical

I wish I was a born in a fairytale…

I love my family and my friends and my puppy

I won't ever stop fighting for what I think is right

I hope that people will learn to co exist in a more harmonious less cannibalistic manner

I can change little things around me if i make the effort

I enjoy watching puppies play

I truly believe in what goes around comes around!!

I will always stand by those who I love

I try to live up to my expectation but fail constantly…

I desire luxury and a deccadent lifestyle

I choose to be who I am.. to do what I do.. and face the consequences..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I was planning on this post right from when i got to Hikka and now I’ve been super inspired by the posts by Hissy fit and the doc. so here is my experience/version of the Hikka beach fest.

So we left for our weekend by the beach at 2 on Friday afternoon. I was being cursed by one and all as i had work and everyone got delayed due to my work schedule :) oh well thats wot friends are for right! Anyways we were staying a lil away from the centre of all action to avoid the constant crowds and we had booked into Heritance in Ahungalla. So we made it there in an hour a bit and checked into our pretty rooms and even before we put our bags down we rushed to the room service menu cos i was so famished by then. So we ordered some food.. Gawked at the prices ( a club sandwich costs Rs 850 and it is not fancy at all!! )

anyways ate and then went for a walk on the beach. Teh sea was very rough and teh guards would not let us get anywhere deep so we sat by the shore and build sandcastles .

It was 7 pm all too soon and we headed for the buffet. then gathered our group and started on the alcohol. We left to the beach rave about 11 and oh my goodness the crowds and tha cars! After looking for parking for ever we finally found a spot and walked a good 20 minutes to the party venue. All traces of alcohol had disappeared by then!

got to the party and there were crowds of people. Luckily one of our angelic friends had managed to secure VIP passes into some Tigo lounge area so off we went passing the queues and i must say i didn’t expect much but the place was decorated very well.. There were couches and even a Jacuzzi!!! Most impressed we found a place where we could settle ourselves. Many drinks later.. i have no idea how many hours passed.. the DJs who had come down started to play. Paul Mendez rocked!!!!!!!!!!! and we got to meet him as he was ushered in out through the tigo area!! the rest of the night was a bit of a blur.. there was dancing.. lots of drinking,.. and at some point i found myself in the front of the stage . in retrospect I have noooooo idea how we twisted out way there through the thousands of people!!
Stayed at the rave till 6 am - the :) so made it back in time ate an awesome breakfast and crashed!

When we woke up the next day it was 4 pm! so much for enjoying the sun and the sand. I managed a long walk by the beach more of a run and by the end of it i was ready to chop my legs off! the gang gathered and it was decided we would go check out the rave again as there were new DJs and a different set of friends were to be meeting us there. So dragged my sore hung-over self to the rave. Day 2 was more crowded ...if that was even possible!
There was apparently a live wire on the beach from one of the light things and people were getting mildly electrocuted!! So a few hours later we headed back to the hotel leaving behind the energized ravers who were partying 2 or 3 days in a row!

After a lazy Sunday spent in bed and lots of good food we headed back to Colombo all raved out  All in all I had a great time.. atleast the bits I can remember 