Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Inspires by the works of other fellow bloggers.. here is my list ..

I remember happier times… when little things brought me much joy

I don't want to be a lot of the person I am today….

I want a life where I can be truly happy and content

I hate racists, liars and people who bitch about you for no reason

I wonder if true happiness ever does exist

I have forgiven but rarely forgotten

I know too much about life to not be jaded and cynical

I wish I was a born in a fairytale…

I love my family and my friends and my puppy

I won't ever stop fighting for what I think is right

I hope that people will learn to co exist in a more harmonious less cannibalistic manner

I can change little things around me if i make the effort

I enjoy watching puppies play

I truly believe in what goes around comes around!!

I will always stand by those who I love

I try to live up to my expectation but fail constantly…

I desire luxury and a deccadent lifestyle

I choose to be who I am.. to do what I do.. and face the consequences..

1 comment:

eLhamza said...

what goes around definitely comes around.yeah..

P.S. Takes quite a long time